study 2.02 upgrades 08/02/94 CTRL-G RETURNS TO THE PRIMARY PLACEMARKER SET WITH ALT-M 07/26/94 THE FILE REPORT NO LONGER SAYS 0 PERCENT. 07/25/94 YOU CAN NOW LOAD DIFFERENT STUDY SESSIONS. TO CREATE A NEW STUDY SESSION, START THE STUDY PROGRAM LIKE THIS: STUDY TEXTFILE.EXT SESSION_NAME WHERE TEXT FILE IS THE FIRST FILE TO BE LOADED AND SESSION_NAME IS THE NAME OF THE NEW STUDY SESSION. TO LOAD A DIFFERENT STUDY SESSION TYPE STUDY /L SESSION_NAME. A SESSION NAME SHOULD BE 8 CHARACTERS OR LESS WITH NO EXTENSION. 07/25/94 THE FILE FORMATTING SYSTEM IS MUCH FASTER 07/25/94 PROGRAM NOW READS ALL THE WAY TO END OF FILE 07/25/94 AUTOMATIC TAB EXPANSION ADDED 06/01/94 LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS IN CONTINUOUS READ NO LONGER SKIP AS MUCH TEXT 06/01/94 pgup and pgdn now advance from the top and bottom lines of the screen not the lines above and below the cursor. 03/15/94 THE ESCAPE KEY WORKS PROPERLY OUT OF HELP. 03/15/94 THE CUSTOMIZED HELP FILES AND KEYBOARD NOTES EDITORS NOW DEFAULT TO INSERT MODE. 03/12/93 the problem with skipping text when using pgup and pgdn is fixed. 03/12/94 the problem with reading all the way to end of file is fixed 03/05/94 THE QRINSTAL PROGRAM IS GONE 03/04/94 the qr.ovl file is no longer required. 03/01/94 you are now prompted to save your study seSSION when exiting with alt-x 03/01/94 THE HELP SYSTEM IS BACK ON-LINE. 02/28/94 THE BUG IN THE DOS SHELL HAS BEEN FIXED 02/28/94 IF NO PATH IS SPECIFIED, THE USER NAMED NOTES FILE WILL NOW BE FOUND IN THE SAME SUBDDIRECTORY AS THE FILE BEING READ. 02/11/94 the dos shell no longer swaps. This means that you shouldn't try to run huge dos applications. We have changed it to try to get rid of the .obl file and eliminate some problems with auto-loading screen access configurations. 01/28/94 changed the screen painting routine to gain a little more speed. 01/28/94 Word wrap has been changed to wrap lines instead of paragraphs, preserving the original format as much as possible. 01/24/94 word wrap has been added. I'm afraid it's going to be slow on 286 and lower level machines, but it's in there. It repeats lines sometimes. I'm working on that. 01/23/94 the problem with the searches spewing huge amounts of text is fixed. 01/22/94 At long awaited last that pesky ctrl-left arrow key is fixed!! 01/19/94 you now have full read/write access to your notes file. 01/19/94 semicolon gives percent read first, followd by file name and total bytes. 01/19/94 THE TIMED CONTINUOUS READ IS FIXED FOR MULTIPLE USES WITHOUT EXITING. 01/19/94 ALT-X EXITS TO DOS FROM MARKS PICK LISTS. 01/19/94 IMPROVED SUPPORT FOR AUTOLOADING CONFIGURATIONS FOR SCREEN READERS. 01/19/94 the qrswap.dat file is now being deleted properly. 01/05/94 TOP LINE IS NO LONGER SPELLED BY ARTIC SYSTEMS 01/05/94 CTRL-W ALWAYS EXITS THE NOTE TAKER AND WON'T GET STUCK IN A LOOP ANY MORE. 01/05/94 THE ESCAPE KEY NOW GETS YOU OUT OF THE S AND SHFT-S FILE SEARCHES. 11/11/93 if you name a notes file, it will be used no matter what file is loaded until you change it. 11/12/93 THE DOS SHELL IS FIXED SO IT WORKS WITH ALL SCREEN READING PROGRAMS.